I don't understand the MO GOP in the G. A. This is a rural state. Big Ag has been pushing small family farmers out of business. They've had to sell their land and too many of them have committed suicide. So why are elected officials for CAFOs? Why do they agree w/ everything +
the Farm Bureau tells them to do? The Farm Bureau, ICYDK, supports Big Ag bc it's mostly funded by Big Ag. So when the GOP politicians tell you they support rural Missourians, which rural voters are they supporting? The ones that have lots of acreage and make lots of money or +
the families that raise hogs or grow vegetables to feed U. S. communities rather than the world? The GOP talks about "America First", but when it comes to agricultural what have they done to support small family farmers?
They tend to support Big Ag, because corp's such as Bayer/Monsanto, ADM, DowDuPont, and Cargill pay them to.

So in the federal gov't, how does a politician like @HawleyMO say that he supports his rural constituents, but goes after Social Media companies wrt anti-trust rather
than speaks about how the Bayer/Monsanto merger is hurting small family farmers even more than before the merger?
Also, companies like Monsanto create herbicides/pesticides and then create crops that are tolerant of those herbicide/pesticides. So, if you're a farmer who doesn't want to pay a higher price for Monsanto's soybean seed that has been bioengineered to be tolerant of Monsanto's
dicamba but the neighboring farm uses the herbicide bc they purchased the higher priced Monsanto soybean seed, then you're in a bad position. That's bc dicamba spreads to your farm due to the wind & it hurts/kills your crop bc you weren't willing/able to pay for the higher priced
Monsanto seed.

I'm not even going to go off on how harmful all of this is to our environment. I'll stick to how it hurts the small family farmer that can't afford the higher cost of seeds today that also comes w/ a higher px of herbicide.
For those of you that aren't aware, some states have restrictions on foreigners buying agriculture land in their state. Missouri passed a law in 2013 that allowed
What is our #moleg really dong to help small family farmers and the community in which they live? Please tell me as I want some good news.
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