Republicans are in the unenviable position of having to face the fact they allowed a cult to form, a complete fantasy world written by Donald Trump, because it profited them and they told themselves it was under their control. But they never saw that inch by inch
normalization of the unnatural would grip the base in a deep, uncontrollable way, and they would wind up with an unseemly choice. This was all made possible, largely orchestrated and endlessly echoed by the most dishonest news organization in all history, Rupert Murdoch, Inc.
Now the GOP is faced with a new, unexpected trend. Their constituents are taking them from the inside as well as the outside, replete with insane, destructive rage at imaginary events repeated like mockingbirds by the Senators themselves. The change was completed.
They are now confronted with some difficult choices. These are: continue the charade, profit as able and do whatever is necessary to hang onto power, even sacrifice values and identity itself. Or, as many have found, retire, never admitting their sins. So weak. So small.
And even if they retire, they face censure at home dare they speak uncomfortable truth. But not Trump, he’s out of office and the Repulicans want to pretend that his impreachment isn’t legal.
They know better of course and must grapple with the fact that the House need not call witnesses if they are witnesses, and their task is to bring the Articles, period. The Senate holds the trial and hears the case, as they well know.
So this latest round of excuses is just another sound of the undoing of what was once a patriotic GOP, now almost universally distrusted across the globe, shamefully embarrassing the truly amazing and hardworking Americans everywhere along with themselves.
So it may be time for the swan song. The only question is whether Quack-Anon is the new evolving storybook we are supposed to subscribe to, cannibals and all.
Or will normal everyday for Americans one day stand up and admit the emperor never had clothes and recall a day long ago when life was more important than tribes and people were admired for creative independent though and logical fact-based debate to solve serious problems?
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