If I got as mad as some people on here about a maskless selfie I'd be miserable. Everyone has to weigh the risks for themselves. It would be great if we could all stay home and get things under control, but that ship sailed long ago. Shaming & Twitter fights won't cure Covid.
I don't follow any of these people, but it's all I've see for weeks. Some people acted like this woman coughed in their face after being maskless in a crowd. I've yet to see a word about the guy though.
Guess what, I get my second dose in a week then I'll be visiting restaurants and eating without a mask. I've had 4ish haircuts since salons reopened. I've had a friend over to game once or twice since this thing started.
If I only interacted with people that mask 100% of the time, never go out to eat, and stay home then I'd have no one to talk to. Wai happy when a coworker flew to Key West this fall? No, but I just kept distance and did what I could to protect myself.
The real thing to get mad about is the shitty plan to distribute vaccine in this country. Do you know how many 80 year olds I've had cry when I told them we don't have any more appointments for shots? Then I hear stories about hospital administrators getting theirs.
School board members are allowed to get shots with the teachers. They are calling in their friends and family that aren't eligible for weeks or months.
This post from the Cynical Pharmacist on Facebook made me sick. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=261383118685218&id=100044405950294
My employer and state have instructed is to waste zero doses and we haven't, but how many places are like the guy on Facebook? This is the kind of thing you should be mad about. We're hoarding this vaccine and places like Canada are having their shipments delayed.
One county in Ohio is vaccinating 23,000 school employees over the next two weeks. Imagine if we had been doing these kind of clinics since December.
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