1/ $RGT is undervalued and could be one of the next DeFi blue chips. The current mcap ($45M fully diluted), does not reflect the potential of:

- A yield aggregator platform
- An unstoppable custom money market deployer
- A L2 innovator building on @optimismPBC & @StarkWareLtd
2/ On the yield aggregator side, the team has already proved that it can move fast, having already integrated with @AaveAave, @compoundfinance, @saffronfinance_, @dydxprotocol, @mstable_
3/ And currently auditing multiple integrations with @AlphaFinanceLab, @Keeper_DAO
, @idlefinance, @CurveFinance, @enzymefinance, @harvest_finance, @CreamdotFinance, @mstable_ V2.

What else would you need?
4/ But the @RariCapital team vision is much bigger than a yield aggregator. Their last product in audit, Fuse, brings an entirely new primitive to DeFi: an unstoppable custom money market deployer, allowing anyone to create money markets for any asset, with any parameters.
5/ The market for a product like Fuse is gigantic. Tokens not available on AAVE, Compound, Cream, LP tokens, synthetic assets, basically any asset that has a price that can be provided by an oracle and someone willing to create a money market for it.
6/ Tanks, another new product under audit, will allows users to deposit assets into Fuse, borrow a stable asset, deposit it into the Rari Stable Pool, and earn interest on it, increasing the addressable market for @RariCapital Yield aggregator.
7/ The team is also deeply integrated within the L2 ecosystem, working on:

- An AMM on Layer 2 using optimism rollups
- A decentralized rebalancer using starkware for consensus
- Providing liquidity incentives on Loopring to incentivize gasless LP tokens swaps
8/ Now let's compare valuations. Money markets protocols fully diluted mcap:

- $7.7B for $AAVE
- $4.4B for $COMP
- $764M for $CREAM.
- $45M for $RGT

Even with the new liquidity mining program that will bring fully diluted supply to 20M, $RGT is still 8 times smaller than Cream
9/ Major Yield Aggregator fully diluted mcap:

- $2.1B for $ALPHA
- $1.2B for $YFI
- $182M for $IDLE
- $173M for $FARM
- $45M for $RGT

ALPHA & YFI are arguably more than yield aggregator. They are ecosystems. And this is exactly where @RariCapital is heading.
10/ Of course there are execution risks, but I have rarely seen a team shipping and innovating at this speed. What's important in DeFi is how much you push the boundaries and how big is your vision and I am impressed by what I have seen from the @RariCapital team on those fronts.
11/ Disclaimer: I own $RGT. None of this is investment advice.
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