Candace Owens: Once a Democrat, she is now aggressively MAGA. She exploits her position shamelessly. Let me explain. The NAACP helped Candace win a racial discrimination lawsuit, but she later called the NAACP, “one of the worst groups for Black people.”
At the age of 28, she lived in a $3500/mo apt and didn’t pay rent for 6 months, then claimed she got toxic mold sickness and threatened to sue the landlord, so she got off without paying a cent. She is a regular on right wing media and has stated that the NRA
was founded as a civil rights organization that protected black people from the KKK. She stole the name Blexit from Me’la Connelly, the true founder of Blexit, which is about black economic empowerment, not MAGA.
One recent controversy was about Harry Styles wearing a dress for Vogue. She stated, “In the west, the steady feminization of our men at the same time that Marxism is being taught to our children is not a coincidence. It is an outright attack.”
So yeah, Candace Owens is a big no go in my book.
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