Depression is not a monolith. While it often manifests in ways that align with what we think of as classic symptoms (chronic tiredness, low mood and energy, insomnia or excessive sleeping, etc) this isn't always what depression looks like.
Depressed men, for example, often don't have any of these symptoms. None. And so they either don't seek help or are misdiagnosis. Male depressive syndrome is characterized by:
-angry outbursts
-high stress
- withdrawal from relationships
-Overinvolvement with work
-Demands for autonomy
-decrease or an increase in sex
- use of psychoactive substance
- Denial of any sadness
- inability to cry
- emotional numbness
-Harsh self-criticism, especially focused on perceived failures as a provider or protector.

And there's research indicating that high male suicide rates are linked to under-diagnosis of depression due to how symptoms that don't match the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria.
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