Today, my students and I discussed Vladimir Lenin's "The Military Program of the Proletarian Revolution" and "The April Theses." I am struck once more by the relevance of these texts for our present context. 1/5
Still, war is used as an instrument of capital. "US interests" in foreign policy are code for "capitalist interests." Corporals serve corporations.
Still, feminism is used as an instrument of capital. If only there were more women CEOs, more women in the Forbes 400. 2/5
Still, the police are used as an instrument of capital. "Law and order" means preservation of the property of the rich. And still, as Lenin did, we call for the "abolition of the police." 3/5
Still, "foreign-born workers" are used as an instrument of capital. They don't have the same rights as "native-born workers," and their lack of rights suits the interests of employers who don't want to pay a fair wage so they can increase surplus value. 4/5
There is no just war, no just feminism, no just police, no just immigration policy apart from the demise of capitalism. And Lenin was right about that. We need a total restructuring. We need true democracy, social democracy. 5/5
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