Thread of things that can trigger people with psychosis/delusions to look out for and tag (nonpsychotics please RT):
Uncanny valley type images, if it’s disturbing to you it can very well trigger a meltdown psychotic people.
Images with distorted faces, creepy/large smiles (like that one jerma pic or fnf lemon demon)

Images with characters having no face, horror-like bodies or anything that can be seen as monster-like
Melting/glitchy images like those glitched videos where the pixels are dragged around and distorted being used as memes, heavily sped up images or “cursed” images with disturbing lighting
Literally anything involving unreality, any jokes, theories, anything.

It’s best to tag it as something like // tw unreality , tw distortion or tw psychosis trigger, if anyone wants to add to this let me know
thank you to the people who are RTing and if anyone wants to add to this they’re free to

(vid might be a lil bit loud i’ve discovered đŸ˜©)
!!!Important addition!!!

Some triggers aren’t obvious and very specific to the person, this thread is about ones most common but consider people’s specific ones that they will likely list in their carrd or similar media
Yeah keep priv qrting this post about psychosis triggers not ironic at all /s /neg
mcytwt with all due respect dont interact đŸȘŽâœš
If im nicer about the priv qrts will people listen? Because it makes my delusions way way fucking worse please
For What Reason Would You Private QRT My Fancam......
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