#moleg House General Laws Committee considering bill to let people conceal & carry a firearm in a house of worship without permission of minister or leadership. This would say 2nd Amendment trumps 1st Amendment. I submitted testimony opposing this bad & dangerous bill. 1/
There's no need for this bill; if faith community wants to allow concealed weapons they can give that permission. But the government should not make these choices for houses of worship. This bill in past has been widely criticized by faith communities. #moleg 2/
If passed, this bill would give gambling boat operations & amusement parks more freedom & rights than churches to decide about guns on their premises - even though houses of worship are protected by the First Amendment more than those entertainment businesses. #moleg 3/3
It's important to note that bill's sponsor has been top sponsor of #ChristianNationalism bills in #moleg that would force Christianity in public schools. So he wants to force his beliefs in schools & then force his beliefs on churches. He doesn't believe in religious liberty! 4/
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