rating the theoretical experience of sharing an umbrella with various members of the untamed cast: a thread in no particular order
wang zhuocheng: 6/10 due to musicals
+ delightful happy person
+ seems like he understands the concept of sharing
- 50% chance he decides to re-enact singing in the rain
- would insist on taking artfully rained-on selfies
wang yizhou: 8/10 good experience overall
+ actually good at sharing and will keep you dry
+ i bet he’d smell like cigarettes and good home cooking
- broad chest not going to leave a lot of space for you
- will tell you to start doing a sport
wang yibo: 0/10 do not attempt unless xiao zhan
- if you’re a woman he’ll be on Good Idol Behavior and stiffly make it clear that he’s being a Polite Boy and give you zero conversational openings
- if you’re a ge he’ll tell you about motorcycles
- made of mostly elbows
ji li: 5/10 damp but interesting
+ chatty, might tell you about his cats
+ small, there should be space for both of you
- gets bored and forgets that the point of the umbrella is to keep it above your head to stay dry
- probably you will end up holding the umbrella
liu haikuan: 3/10 please observe the wildlife from a respectful distance
+ aesthetically pleasing in rain
+ if one of his hands is occupied with an umbrella he can’t show you a magic trick involving fruit
- cannot emphasize enough how strange and stilted the conversation will be
yu bin 11/10 he’s an unholy agent of chaos do it for the vine
+ you will not be bored
zhu zanjin: 8.5/10 go for it
+ might have a small animal in his pocket
+ knows a great little restaurant to duck into to get out of the rain and grab a bite to eat
+ graceful, won’t hip-check you into a puddle
- is going to have a small crisis about his shoes getting wet
- cranky
xiao zhan: 7/10 but it's not his fault
+ wonderfully considerate and keeps you both dry
+ is a normal person with conversation skills
- all his staff are giving you the hairy eyeball like they wanna take you out back and hit you in the head with a shovel before you can hurt him
xuan lu: 10/10 worth it
+ recommends a new BL novel to you
+ extremely strong, can lift you over a puddle
+ i bet her hair smells nice
- she WILL aggressively wingman for you whether you like it or not, get ready to talk to a cutie she picks out
song jiyang: 4/10 and deeply surreal
+ outraged by the concept of weather happening to him, somehow this gives him the giggles
- demands that you take the umbrella because "he's bad at it"
- he's still bad at it even without the responsibility of being in charge of an umbrella
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