How I get stuff done:

1. If it takes less than 5 mins, I try and get it done there and then.
2. Use the most simple to do list that works for YOU.

I use the Notes app on my phone.
3. I scare myself. I know if I don’t get this done, I’ll piss a client off or I won’t make money.
4. One of the most satisfying feelings is when you get the big tasks done for the day and you tick them off. There’s a huge weight lifted.
5. Think bigger. Doing this small thing now and other small things, putting it all together, will make the big thing happen.
6. I want people to know I can be reliable and dependable. If I get something done for them, in the future I know I can ask something from them.
7. Have some sort of basic routine. Block out parts of your day and dedicated them to getting shut done.
8. Turn off all notifications. Then only turn on the ones for family and close friends.
9. Have dedicated down time. It’s not cool working 12 hour days when you have a choice. I only work 4-5 hours a day.

Rest of the time I want to do stuff with friends and family. Or just have my own time.
10. Discipline > motivation. You can read and listen to all the motivational shit you want. End of the day if you don’t discipline yourself, nothing will get done.
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