It’s okay to let somebody go without having to hate them or create a villain out of them in order to ease the transition.
Victim consciousness tells us that we always let go in haste to prove it’s final. Healing consciousness tells us that we can learn & grow & that’s a positive
Holding on to resentment in order to release a situation or needing parties in the situation to be either entirely good or entirely bad, creates no room for karmic exploration/understanding & doesn’t allow us to gain true perspective, whilst creating more attachment to it.
Holding onto resentment can also ensure that you attract more of that same type of experience or finding yourself caught in a karmic loop in which you attract a soul duplicate (same soul, same story, different person). Because you holding onto feelings of resentment creates an
energetic truth to the universe that you are not ready for the situation to leave your auric field because it is unfinished business. This then enables the universe(the divine) to re-manifest the experience so you may hopefully gain some of the ‘understanding’ that you seek.
This mirrors the way that souls are reborn into this realm time & time again (unable to move onto ‘heavenly’ or less dense planes of existence in the afterlife).
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