#AttackOnTitan #aot137spoilers

Why i don't believe on the "Eren is on Paradise" theory, a thread:
1st of all. The WHT Power.

I've seen a lot of people bring up the WHT power to say how he would be on Paradise... but I feel like people only want him to use that convenience of WHT because of EH (nothing hating the ship). I mean it’s only convenient for the fans if it’s to+
Eren see Historia. I mean haven’t seen a single theory where he is just hidden somewhere else to regenerate his titan again from the organic stream in his titan for example, what he could totally do it lol, they all go for the need of them to see Eren go after Historia+
what doesn't even makes sense, because Paradise is big and he was in Shiganshina when he transformed, also he probably would need to step outside the crystal to go after Historia if i'm not wrong... and by doing this his founding probably would disintegrate like any normal titan+
and when he transforming again (supposedly using the baby who supposedly inherited beast powers) he would kill both Historia and the baby there... I don't need to say how bs edge this sounds right???+
Like why would Eren use his (supposedly) kid as a tool? Why would he steal the freedom of his kid like that? Not to count that if you guys assume he is the father of the kid and final panel is him, this theory makes way less sense, since his kid would be absorbed by his titan+
Just like Zeke's body was.

Anyway back to WHT. This ability was shown as a weakness of WHT? Like the moment Lara crystal location was found she was done and powerless as Eren found a way to break the crystal. And alliance has Falco Jaws in case they find Eren+
So I believe people just WANT him to be in another place, even though it doesn't really make sense at all for him to be in another place other than where the final showdown is happening+
2nd “His titan formed from the feet”.

Still on WHT power, we have this argument which i think it's more of personal interpretation, but I've already made tweets saying how I believe his founding titan formed from the Hallucigenia/SPINE thing attaching his decapitated+
head and body, and grew in both directions, but as one of the parts was in the ground it was obvious it seems like it would grow from the feet to the sky direction+
3rd. His Founding Titan structure.

His titan structure is basically the head, ribs, then a BOW of giant ribs/spine, and then his hips and leg bones.

It’s quite obvious to me at least that he doesn’t even have a body as it is implied that his whole body became the titan+
together with the spine thing and only his human head was left, and ironically the head of his titan is the only part from his titan that is covered and shaped by muscles and flesh+
4th. The last panel of ch131.

The one that set it this "Eren on Paradise" as only a theory to me. 131 panel is already a very explicit panel to show Eren’s condition TO THE READER and not some Armin watching/imagining Eren. Armin doesn’t even know where Eren is so it would +
be impossible to be something from Armin's mind. So Eren is sleeping having only his head connected to the spine inside a dark place (not fit with the ambient of a crystal) with fillets of muscles connected to his human head (that is most certainly inside the titan head).
end of the thread
Oh yeah i'm going to just let this really good comment i saw on tl that cemented how senseless is to Eren character use Hist baby for his plan. And contributes greatly for the logic of this thread on how makes no sense for him to be on Paradise. https://twitter.com/ArminButWLowIQ/status/1358920610315988992?s=20
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