When I hear hear about distant technology breakthroughs as “climate solutions”, I have to smile a little.

In the meantime, it’ll be -10 F in Minneapolis tonight, and most of the buildings around here desperately need better insulation and weatherstripping. #caulkischeap
There’s nothing wrong with fancy new technology, of course. We need it. But a large share of our solutions is simply in efficiency & wasting less.

Retrofitting buildings and homes. Fuel efficiency. Public transit. Reducing food waste. More plant-rich diets. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle.
And many other climate solitons are essentially “stop being dumb” actions, like stop fugitive methane leaks from wells and gas lines, or stop tearing down rainforests to raise cattle or animal feed, or stop leaking refrigerant gases that can be super-pollutants.
We need *all* climate solutions, of course — high tech & low tech. Everything should be looked at.

But the best climate solutions are the ones we do *today*. Not ones that take decades.

We’re in a race to stabilize greenhouse gases, and *time* is far more important than tech.
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