Attn HS and Travel 🥎 Coaches:
If you want the young lady you’re coaching right now to have a healthy 4 year college experience, give her the best chance to stay injury free, enjoy the highest level she will get to play(commonly), and get a chance to be her very best, please:
1. Carry multiple pitchers, min of 4.
2. Be ok with not winning a game if your ace has thrown a lot in a weekend or your 2/3 at HS isn’t there yet
3. Keep pitch counts on your pitchers
4. Give your team time off from throwing and hitting.
5. Play a responsible schedule to
5 (cont’d) allow time off for your athletes
6. HS athletes shouldn’t be playing travel ball until HS ball is over or winding down. Why are teams playing feb-may?
7. Encourage others sports, a lot of time developing skills at home workouts, and becoming fitter and stronger.
Every single athlete on a college roster wishes they were smarter in high school, especially the moment they face an injury that’s cause is wear and tear or overuse.
We need to put the long term career of an athlete above the win total on the day or for the organization.
You need to be smart and help make healthy choices too.Overuse injuries are real.
They are often seen in freshman and sophomore years in college but can come later.
Some of our greats played 0 fall travel,Hs ball, & 4-6 summer ball.Let’s work together to be smarter!
You can follow @CoachKamaUNCW.
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