Noticed that the newest #Missing411 is available on Youtube. I watched the first one, twice, and was unable find anything unusual about any of the cases. I watched about a dozen of the cases presented by Paulides on Youtube, and again, nothing "mysterious" in any of them.
In my opinion, Paulides is a charlatan, working really hard to link together unrelated missing persons cases, in some way so as to present something "mysterious" or "supernatural" about them. The cases are real, the light he's painting them in, is not.
I've been backpacking, hunting, hiking and camping since I was nine years old. During warmer months, I'm out in the wilderness nearly every weekend. No matter how experienced you are, shit happens. People go missing. This is not indicative of anything "going on".
I've got the newest one up and running on another monitor while I work. I'm watching it because my brother, who is not an outdoors man at all, and never has been, insists that "something is going on", as all of these people do.
I've found that the overwhelming majority of people that are glued to Paulides work, who insist that "something is going on", are not people that spend much time in the outdoors, off the beaten path.
I've read critiques by numerous search and rescue volunteers, with decades of experience behind them, that solidly tear Paulides work to pieces.

To say that I'm skeptical, is putting it mildly.

I'm not expecting much out of this newest installment, we'll see.
Case #1: 82 y/o man, blind in one eye, goes missing while hunting in the woods, carrying a rifle, and walkie-talkie. I can think of half a dozen things that could have happened to this guy. The fact that a massive search turned up nothing is not at all unheard of.


Ah yes, Paulides trying to insinuate that the FBI showing up is weird. The FBI investigates missing persons all the time. How is this strange?
Another guy went missing ten days later, 40 miles away. Not necessarily in the woods, last seen in his house.

Paulides: "It's quite a coincidence that two elderly men, hunters, disappeared from a rural area, weren't found, and both had been chalked up to... disappearing."
No, Dave, it isn't. That's what happens when people go missing, they... well they disappear. Might be related, might not be, and for any one, or more, of a hundred reasons, might have absolutely nothing to do with one another.
Also, how many people in rural areas are not hunters? Again, this doesn't establish a profile.
Now he's going through the profile that he's worked up, that fit the Missing411 cases he's documented, that supposedly mean "something is going on".

It is so vague, you'd be hard-pressed to find cases of people disappearing in the woods, that don't fit this profile.
Defining a cluster as 3 to 80 people? Again... vague to a laughable degree.
A 75 year old woman goes missing in Santa Fe NM, in July 2017. She's found naked in a creek bed, next to her camp, which looked like it took a beating during the storm.
Temps in July, in that area, typically drop down to the 50's at night. However, there was a storm a day after she disappeared. So hypothermia is entirely possible, and paradoxical undressing due to hypothermia, which is not at all uncommon, would explain how she was found.
Cause of death ruled as hypothermia. Naturally, Paulides disagrees.

He uses the phrases "very unusual", "very strange", and "very mysterious" six times. This case is none of those.
61 year old man disappears in NM, in September of 2009. He's dressed entirely in camouflage. He was never found. Soooo... elderly man, dressed in camouflage, in cold weather, disappears in the woods. This is about as normal a missing person in the woods as you can find.
54 year old man chases a deer into the woods, in the fog, and leaves his GPS in his truck. He's found five months later, dead, nine miles from where he was last seen. Found in a river with skull injuries, abrasions, and broken ribs. Official cause of death is drowning.
The guy got lost, got injured somehow, fell into a river. You try swimming with broken ribs and a head injury.

Not. Fucking. Mysterious.
Btw, the "three shot" rule is no longer taught in hunter safety because it is notoriously difficult to tell what direction a sound is coming from in the woods, especially in mountainous areas. Trying to follow the sound of gunshots can have you going in circles, miles off course.
Work-out time. Will pick this ridiculousness up later.
38-year-old guy goes missing in September 2014, in Big Timber, MT. Leaves the hunting camp, alone, to hike to a cache several miles away, to grab some supplies. According to his GPS, he passed a fork in the trail, and went way off course. Two days later, snow storm rolls in.
There's a lack of footprints, not uncommon after a snow storm. Lots of loose rock on the trail, and the hillside the trail follows. In fact, the trail is pretty much made up of loose rock.
Several days later, his boots (neatly side by side), various gear, and a make-shift fire pit are found a few miles down the trail. These items were not there when SAR searched the area a few days prior. Again, not uncommon for lost hikers to unknowingly evade search parties while
trying to find their way out, and it's why you're supposed to stay put when you're lost. Sheriff suspects hypothermia related paradoxical undressing.
Summer 2015, his backpack, hunting vest, and other gear are found not far from a local farm, in the same direction he had been heading according to his last GPS reading. His thermos is open, neatly perched on a rock, not far from that. Within sight are a road and farm buildings.
Summer 2016, skull and various other bones, and bits of clothing are found scattered further up the trail from where is pack was found, 11 miles from the hunting camp.
So what could account for this weird layout of his remains and his stuff? In my opinion, somebody killed him, took his stuff, and continued hiking around the woods, leaving stuff in random places because they likely had their own gear, and didn't need all the stuff they took.
Based off of the info in this movie, that explains it all. Completely.

Supernatural? No
Extraterrestrial? No
Cryptozoological? No
I'll finish up tomorrow. Bleh.
Alright, there is roughly 30 minutes left in this farce of a documentary. I really need to get it over with, so I can discuss it with my brother.
We're given a very brief, woefully nondescript overview of the disappearance of three people near Donnell Vista California. There are no details given at all about these cases, other than the people were never found.

There's nothing to comment on here.
Now we're on to the infamous "Sierra Sounds", not far from Donnell Vista. These are supposedly recordings of multiple Sasquatch having a conversation in the forest. Self-proclaimed "crypto-linguist" R Scott Nelson claims to have identified it as a language.
Nevermind that these sounds are so obviously a couple of guys off in the woods, or that this guy showed how easy it is to reproduce them, but R Scott Nelson is a far, far cry from a linguistics expert.
He was a linguist in the Navy. His job was to read and listen to other languages, and interpret them for the Navy. Being bilingual hardly qualifies anyone as a linguistics expert. He too, is a fraud.
This next one drifts even further away from simple missing persons cases, where Paulides is further trying to link these disappearances to something supernatural.

A hunter sees a blob moving through the trees, which resembles the camouflaged predator from the movies.
She takes a picture with her phone, although she says that she has no memory of having taken the photo. She says this twice. Also insists that the woods went dead silent when she saw this thing.
This silence happens to me all the time in the woods, it's a normal animal response when they think a predator is near, and often they think I'm that predator. It's normal, and doesn't mean shit.
On her phone, all other photos on the phone were at 1024 x 768, roughly 200kb in size. This photo was 528 x 400, and 43.2kb in size. Her husband insists that since the phone couldn't possibly produce a photo of those dimensions, it's proof that something strange happened.
The photo was so obviously cropped on a PC. The only thing this proves, is that Bruce and his wife are full of shit.

Also, I can take any photo of the woods, load it up in GIMP, and give you a photo of the predator in about 20 seconds. Again, this is all bullshit.
This concludes my inordinately long rant about this horrendous and sad attempt at proving that "something is going on". My conclusion is the same as with the first movie, and his youtube videos.

David Paulides is a fraud, and people need to stop buying into his bullshit
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