Its the Mercury Cazimi, but what is a Cazimi?

Put simply, Cazimi is a special type of conjunction in which a planet is within 17 minutes (less than a degree) of the Sun, making for a very special type of conjunction.

Lets talk about why its so special.
To understand Cazimi, we have to understand the mechanics of the Sun in Astrology.

Each planet works in a very different way, due to its physical properties. The Sun is a huge ass, big, burning, ball of fire in the sky creating luminance.
The Sun’s Luminance takes up a huge chunk of space in the sky, to where anything in the chunk of space is INVISIBLE if you were to observe it with the naked eye in the sky. This condition is known as being “Under the Sun’s Beams”,

Pic from 
Anything within 15° of the Sun on EITHER SIDE is invisible in the sky. This means any stars, and planets, anything in the part of the sky the Sun is in will not be visible.

When planets are under the beams in a chart, it can represent things that are hidden and obscured
If a planet starts to get closer to the Sun, specifically within 7° of the Sun, this condition is known as being Combust or Combustion. The planet is still under the beams, so it is still invisible, however the difference between combustion and UTB is that
planets under the beams are not being burnt up completely by the Sun, but are close enough to be invisible and out-shined. Planets combust however, have those same conditions but are now “scorched” by the Sun, where the luminance of the Sun actually starts to burn
and harm the planet in question. It basically completely strips the planet of being able to function regularly, agency, and is much more abrasive. Think of spongebob when he went into Sandy’s House for the first time. Thats combustion.
However, if we get closer and closer to the Sun, specifically within 17’ of the Sun (17 minutes, which is less than a degree since there are 60 minutes in 1°), we get the condition called Cazimi.

Now some ancient authors will expand Cazimi to be within 1° rather than 17’
I personally use 1° but of course the closer the better. Now Cazimi translates to the word “egkardios” in Greek meaning “in the heart”. When a planet is Cazimi, it is seen to be lifted up, elevated, and super dignified after being severely debilitated in combustion or while UTB.
Cazimi planets are lifted up and their abilities become exacerbated with excellence and prominence. I had a client come in for a consult who had Venus Cazimi, and they played SO MANY INSTRUMENTS, and they would play them ALL AT ONCE. They actually serenaded me after our consultđŸ„°
Planets Cazimi are seen to be sitting upon the throne with the Sun, and their power is equally as so.

There are two types of Cazimi’s that happen though.

1) Post Retrograde Cazimi
2) Retrograde Cazimi.
The Post Retrograde Cazimi, is when the planet, as its revolving around the Sun, is visible again after being behind the Sun, and now comes to conjoin the Sun when it is in FRONT of the Sun.

See GIF below.
In that same GIF, the 2nd sort of Cazimi is when planets are revolving around the Sun and because of the optical illusion known as Retrograde, the planet is actually going BEHIND the Sun, and thats what a Retrograde is essentially:

A planet moving behind the Sun.
There can be some interpretative implications for both types of Cazimi’s. The Retrograde Cazimi of Mercury/Venus can be representative of realizations that come to light regarding that planets significations in the houses they rule, or just its natural significations.
Note, only the inferior planets (Planets faster than the Sun) can have the Retrograde Cazimi, so Mercury/Venus. Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn only have the Post-Retrograde Cazimi, because their equivalent of a Cazimi, bc they move slower than Earth, is an opposition to the Sun
But planets that have their Cazimi during a Retrograde are not as favorable because the planet is in Retrograde motion, but the post-retrograde Cazimis are when that planets qualities really become loud and prominent in a good way.
We recently just had the Saturn Cazimi and the Jupiter Cazimi and which their effects were DEFINITELY widely pronounced.

This is the chart of the Retrograde Cazimi today.
Additionally, theres the next Post-Retrograde Cazimi which will be the Venus Cazimi, which is part of Venus’ LAST Retrograde cycle finally finishing up this year.

Once Venus passes the Sun and becomes an Evening Star, Venus has completed one revolution around the Zodiac & will
start its next Retrograde cycle. Ultimately Im going to make a video on the planetary mechanics of planet in Astrology because you cannot understand Astrology works without understanding Astronomy.

Happy Mercury Cazimi everyone, and hope this thread was useful!
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