Jensen talking about The Boys - A Thread 🧵
DC Con '19
Jensen talking about the similarities b/w S/pn and The Boys and how The Boys is what k/ripke would have loved to do with S/pn. Also likening Dean to Billy Butcher.
Jensen being a fan of The Boys & how k/ripke approached him for Soldier Boy when Ackles asked about the show during one random call.
Jensen talking about his audition & how he had to compete & fight for the role among some heavy hitters that were previously approached to audition.
How this is a fun & exciting move for the road ahead & how he will not be completely fish out of water on the set. Also, being excited for wearing a superhero suit and making his 3 yr old munchkin proud 🥺
Jense talking about moving from one K/ripke show to another
Jensen discussing the character of Soldier Boy & the messed up issues he will have to deal with. Also talks about the character in the first script of S3.
Jensen being asked to grow his beard out for Soldier Boy and being scared about becoming Misha on The Boys set.
Jensen asking Kripke about similarities b/w The Boys set & S/pn set.
Bonus - Some information on the supersuit look by k/ripke
Jensen discussing Soldier Boy's boots and how they are almost exact as Dean's boots. He is really keeping a part of Dean for his next role 🥺
The first time we will see Soldier Boy it will be WW 2!!
Okay, y'all. It's 4 am. I am going to sleep. Pls show this thread some love 🥺
Good Night!
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