1. Ancient Roman moral code was called the mos maiorum, "way of the ancestors". It stipulates seven basic virtues of roman citizens: trustworthiness, piety, religion, discipline, constancy, manliness and dignity.
2. Constancy is the habit of being reliable in ones ways, like a wristwatch - it never stops. Of not being easily swayed, but steady in pursuit of ones goals. Without constancy, you will not achieve goals that demand a compound of work over MUCH time, i.e. anything worthy.
3. Constancy is mentioned in the Bible, as a "fruit" (organic effect) of conversion. No such dispositions are given as mere ornaments, but because they are necessary for superior function of individuals and consequently, communities.
4. Lacking in constancy is shown in INABILITY TO GET ANYWHERE. "Being stuck". Not having fortitude of routine and character to break sticking-points in life. Listening more to the butterflies and whims of the moment, than a set course. Ultimately being deficient in COURAGE.
5. How to make constancy-gains, part I:
WORK OUT - _Obligatory_. Initially at least, stick to basic schedule like 5x5 for AT LEAST two years. Nothing is a better teacher in constancy, for it teaches you to NOT CARE about emotion.
6. How to make constancy-gains, part II:
DAILY ROUTINES - Prio is constancy, not quantity. Begin with rising/sleeping times. STICK to them as a rule. When one habit firmly nailed (30 days+), carefully implement another. This aint nofap, breaking one time is not = reset.
7. How to make constancy-gains, part III:
SET GOALS - CRUCIAL. Best practical and short guide on setting goals is found here. Write this out in excel and follow up every week. Dont be upset if hard at first, planning is a skillset to grow.

8. Finally, constancy is not rigidity (being unable to rethink/replan). Constancy is merely sticking to a plan, INSTEAD of emotions/whims. In this way it very closely approximates the very idea of being virtuous, i.e. character ruled by reason and grace. Seek this virtue early.
Here is link to guide for setting goals btw, sorry for messy thread, ill get this sorted for next:
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