@higginsdunn @sarahwhit10 Your article for @CNBC on Gov. Cuomo's plan to reopen Broadway theatres is incomplete. It doesn't take into account that no Broadway show can operate with only 150 people per performance. The expenses are too high.
As for audience members providing a negative COVID test in order to enter, theatres are unlikely to bear burden if someone tests positive the day of the show and want to return their tickets. Would people buy with that risk?
And are people expected to wait in long lines for testing right before they see show? How much will reliable rapid testing cost them above and beyond the price of a ticket? Have you seen the daily lines outside of CityMD offices?
This is pie in the sky grandstanding, not rooted in the practical operation of live indoor theatrical entertainment. Citing a test at a Buffalo Bills game is far from analogous.
This may make for an upbeat headline that looks encouraging, but it doesn't speak to the real needs of the live theatre industry, in NYC or anywhere else. There are an awful lot of people out of work and there need to be responsible plans to support the field until...
...audiences and companies (casts, house staff, backstage staff, musicians, etc.) can come together safely. Yes, with the prospect of future pandemics or this virus becoming endemic, we do need major upgrades to air handling and filtration, but that take time and planning.
Let's not forget that the majority of the Broadway houses are 100 years old and many are landmarked. Such changes won't be easy. Even the shift to higher security resulted in long slow lines on the street, which is exactly what we don't need until we reach herd immunity.
@higginsdunn @sarahwhit10 I'm sure I speak for many in the field when I thank you for paying attention to our oft-overlooked industry. But please look deeper into the crisis we face. Just because the governor wants it to happen doesn't mean that it practically can – or will.
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