I've been saying this from the beginning. The issue isn't "would you die for this steak?" but rather "would you kill for this steak?" https://twitter.com/madamradams/status/1358853583312195584?s=19
The people going out to "live their lives" like to talk a big game about how you should "stay home if YOU are afraid of getting sick", but they aren't advocating for us to have universal basic income to do so.
So if I stay home because I am immuno-compromised and absolutely *should* be afraid of getting sick, I lose my job and source of income and then I die because I can't afford food and housing.
The options therefore become:

- Stay home and die.
- Leave the house and die.

But many people are comfortable with me facing that "choice" because I'm disabled and our society doesn't really care if disabled people die.
"I can't live my life in fear, I NEED this vacation" needs to be countered with a picture of the airline crew and blunt questioning about how many of them the traveler plans to kill in order to take said vacation.
And once we've cleared up that their Hawaii getaway will cost Airline Attendant Samuel, Car Rental Customer Liaison Tricia, Airport Security Guard Carlisle, and so forth, then at least we're clear on the stakes here.
Someone posted a clip on here forever ago for a show I don't watch and I've been trying to find it, but basically you can get people to care about a snapped pencil if you give it a backstory.

We need to get people to realize their servers HAVE BACKSTORIES and ARE PEOPLE.
And I do blame the media for this and their 800 articles about "calculating your personal risk level" and "is yoga a RED activity or a YELLOW" and not making it clear that this is a pandemic in which your choices kill OTHER people, not necessarily YOU.
(YES. THIS ONE.) https://twitter.com/diannaeanderson/status/1358898927831973896?s=20
EXACTLY. EXACTLY. https://twitter.com/TerraSirena/status/1358898983440162816
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