1/9 Speaking of models, the most famous market socialist model (wage-earner funds) was proposed by the Swedish labor movement.

Simply having a welfare state and a statist economic regime isn't social democracy. There are many ideologies that support interventions in capitalism. https://twitter.com/RealRainbowFire/status/1358867044050079754
2/9 This is a major point of Gosta-Esping-Anderson's book, ''Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism.''

Social democrats never had monopoly on redistribution or the state.

Social-democratic welfare states are distinguished by socialist ideology and goals. https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Three_Worlds_of_Welfare_Capitalism/KHdnAgAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover
3/9 The Swedish Social Democrats (who helped form modern-day Sweden) were clear about their ideas.

The SAP's 1960 / 1975 party programs expressly rejected the notion that the welfare state was the only goal. It was among the class demands of the proletariat, not a full solution:
4/9 The true end goal of social democracy was to create a ''socialist social transformation,'' meaning to abolish class differences, democratize the economy and co-ordinate production into a planned system.

5/9 Similarly, the Swedish social democrat Olof Palme in his 1975 speech to the party congress noted that idea of ''welfare capitalism'' was the argument of the die-hard *conservative* foes of social democracy.

7/9 The famed social-democratic economic model (according to this article written by an SAP member) is full employment, economic security, democratic decision-making with a focus on achieving socialism through reform.
8/9 We can dance around the bush all we want, but the fact is that just about every social-democratic model (including the ones that are widely admired today) were created on socialist grounds or by social democrats who considered themselves socialists.
9/9 Sweden is not socialist, but the socialist labor movement played a hand is making this present reality.
@LittleKeegs0 @memeguider

Good thread. I'll be happy to intervene in these ridiculous debates any time.
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