Holding off these questions for a while… Don’t roast me #EduTwitter … As a firm believer in both informal models of #MusicEducation / the breadth of the #GeneralMusic classroom and the power and potential of #MusicEnsembles – I wonder whether a re-think is needed in England?
Could WCET as Music Education ‘via the instrument’ ( @DrFautley et al, 2019) be clearly defined in the NC, to: ensure equitable access; empower musician-identities; and to authenticate all/other music learnings? @Johnfinney8 @jpjsavage @AllyDaubney @Steven_Berryman
Is there a middle-ground to be found in the “general” music education alongside a long-term, sustainable, ensemble-based approach? Should the starting point not be the school, the students, and the teachers, supported (and augmented) by MEH?
Some fab practice out there, but the WCET/MEH offer feels as ‘patchy’ nationally as it was 10 years ago. Are there genuine pathways afforded to WCET grads /do learners have (easy) access to progression routes?
Are learners encouraged to connect knowledge acquired through WCET to other musical experiences? Is an ensemble-based curriculum incompatible with a broad, generalist music education programme?
(Thoughts, ideas, recommended reading = AMAZING! Currently trying to refine my research project and lost in an ocean of questions)!
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