She means all the Luciferian would-be overlords. Also known as the "powers that were". If everyone said fuck the mask mandates and social distancing all at once, it would be curtains for the clown brigade. They don't want you to take those masks off. Know why? Yes, it's
about symbolism and control. But they have to wear them, per their own puppet masters. If everyone else does not, then they will be easier to pick out of the crowd they worked so hard to blend into. I said this before, and I am not wrong: eventually you will know them all by
the masks they choose to wear, to hide their faces. Your individuality scares them for more than just one reason. But don't take my word for it. Try it and see. A flash mob can be organized in less than 24 hours. So can a nationwide test of just how much power these assholes
truly have, to enforce illegal mandates on entire towns and cities full of people who are not afraid to stand together as one for their right to breathe and live and work freely. They fear you working together, more than anything else in the world.⚡⚡⚡
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