Ten Reasons to Join the #GreenParty, a thread:

1. The Green Party is the largest explicitly socialist political party in the United States. 1/10
2. The Green Party grew directly out of grassroots movements for civil rights, ecology, and peace. We have always put movement work ahead of electoralism and celebrity. 2/10
3. The Green Party is democratically structured and has bylaws: anything you do not like about the party can be changed if you can convince enough people it should be changed. If you lose the vote, there will always be another opportunity and no party boss can stop it.
4. The Green Party has ALWAYS had a principled stance against imperialism and war. It is core to who we are. 4/10
5. The Green Party has always been and will always be independent. We do not endorse Democrats or Republicans.

6. The Green Party is nonsectarian and for left unity. We DO endorse independent progressives, socialists, and communists. 5/10
7. The Green Party already has over 100 elected officials, and ballot access in over 30 states. (I think?) We have won over 1200 local elections.
8. Our decentralized model is flexible, and means that you can transform your state party to reflect and meet the needs of movements on the ground. 7/10
9. Greens treat the economy as a part of the ecosystem, and understand the scientific limits of the economy based on laws of thermodynamics and principles of ecology. We will not capitulate on essential timelines to transition to a Green economy.
10. #Reparations for survivors and descendents of survivors of US genocides, including the Atlantic Slave Trade and the genocide of indigenous people, have always been in our platform. The only question for us on this issue has always been not "why" but "how". 9/10
The Green Party has changed quickly even in my past 4 years of involvement. It is not perfect, but it's already built and not hard to fix up. It is designed to be "taken over" by grassroots movements, and all it needs is the people with the time and energy to make it great.
11. The GREEN PARTY HAS NEVER ACCEPTED A DIME OF CORPORATE MONEY can't believe I forgot that one. 😅
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