When MAGA waves flags with Trump's name, declares they will die for him, and accept every lie he says as truth, we are dealing with a deluded cult of personality. Here is a list of leaders treated exactly this same way. See if you detect the similarities:.../1
Russia: Stalin
Cambodia: Pol Pot
China: Mao Tse Tung
France: Philippe Petain (Vichy leader)
Germany: Hitler
Haiti: François Duvalier
Iran: Ruhollah Khomeini
Iraq: Saddam Hussein
Italy: Mussolini
N Korea: Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un
Phillipines: Ferdinand Marcos.../2
Romania: Nicolae Ceaușescu
Syria: Hafez al-Assad
Venezuela: Hugo Chávez

All of these leaders had huge support by people who worshiped them, just like Trump. The appeal to toxic nationalism, the demonization of the left & minority groups, the spread of disinformation.../3
...through state media (or here, through Fox et. al. and the *attempt* to coop the Voice of America as a Trump praising media outlet), the attack on expertise as "elite," and the approval of violence against the folks portrayed as the domestic "bad guys" always has a huge.../4
...population that can scarcely handle the removal/passing/weakening of the strongman at the center of their worship.

What this means: Reason wont work with these people. Reality wont penetrate, because Fox et al continue spreading lies. All we can do it learn about cults.../5
...and the emotional appeals that help in deprogramming. It will take years, but Trump's absence from social media - and his ultimate decision that being a former president gets equal praise and takes less work, since he is a lazy stupid guy - will hopefully let him fade. So.../6
...if you have cult members who are friends or family, remind them how much better life was for them when they weren't so mad all the time. Have them explain all the "freedoms" they think they are losing. Dont argue..../7
...try to get them to wonder about Fox ("I find it uncomfortable listening & reading news that only agrees with what I think. I know I'm wrong about things, and I like learning what. But I've never seen Fox suggest any Republicans are wrong or that any Democrat is a patriot."../8
...it will be tiring. It will be frustrating. But deprogramming the cult (even as Fox & the GQP keep up the brainwashing) is the only way this country will return to some form of sanity.
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