As a semi-closeted Trans, I am once again begging that pronoun stickers/forms/whathaveyou be labeled "Please call me: " instead of "My pronouns are: "

As in, "Please call me: she/her (because I am closeted to my parents)" and not "My pronouns are: she/her (....they're not.)"
Or "Please use these pronouns" or "Use these pronouns for me" or literally whatever will get across the concept of "THIS RIGHT HERE IS WHAT YOU SHOULD USE FOR ME IN THIS CONTEXT, (but they may not be my actual pronouns in other contexts and that's my business not yours)".
Every so often I'll come across a well-meaning medical form that's like "My pronouns are: " and I wince because, like, my pronouns are NOT she/her, but guess what I'm gonna be putting because of valid closeted reasons (that don't need solving by others)?
...I really hate going viral because people "telephone game" my words into things like "Yeah! This is why we shouldn't ask pronouns at all!" which is not what I'm saying!

Medical forms *should* have a spot for pronouns. But how that spot is *worded* can be workshopped.
["My pronouns are"] force closeted people to lie, because they have to write something that their pronouns *aren't*.

["Call me"] or ["Use these pronouns"] allow closeted people to answer without having to lie. They need you to call them xyz, even if those aren't their pronouns.
Since folks have asked about ["Preferred Pronouns?"], I recommend against using that framing on your form.

Transphobes have poisoned that phrase for a lot of trans people, unfortunately, and this is a case where you want to be extra careful not to hurt anyone.
(Yes, I'm angry that transphobes regularly ruin contextually sometimes useful phrases like "preferred pronouns" and "gender critical" but here we are.)
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