A thread of what I wanted the DCEU to do in their 2nd phase of movies (Based on my notes from a couple years ago). It would follow all the movies that were announced at that point. Keep in mind I was bad at names and I was 15. Also these are basic outlines not full details.
Batman:A Robin's tale- Batman goes to Bludhaven where he meets Nightwing and we would see flashbacks of his days as Robin leading up to what caused them to split up, Dick would lash out because of the death of Jason Todd(2nd robin) but the movie would end with them coming
to an agreenent as well as a mention of the drakes dying and Bruce possibly adopting him. Post credit scene- Thalia Al Ghul digging up Jason's grave and a cut to Tim finding the Batcave as the screen fades to black and the words A Robin Will Rise Again
Superman:Last Children of Krypton- Superman/Martian Manhunter(who would of been introduced in Justice League) investigate a crashed ship discovering Supergirl and after a fight they would realize she is Kryptonian,his family,and bond and teamup against the Cadmus created Parasite
The post credit scene would be a Cadmus scientist collecting a strand of Superman/Supergirl's hair/DNA then they meet with Cadmus' benefactor in a Limo as the screen cuts and the words Krypton lives are shown.
Wonder Woman and the Winged Warriors-Hawkman would be chasing after Cheetah from Egypt to America. Diana is having lunch with her friend Kendra Saunders, Hawkman kidnaps Kendra, claiming she is Shiera Hall an Egyptian princess reincarnated. When Wonder Woman meets with them
she settles the situation with her Lasso of Truth as the group goes after Cheetah and defeats her. Kendra would discover her wings and join to help with her mace, then Hawkman and Hawkgirl would leave while Diana takes Cheetha to jail.
Post credits - A girl goes into her room after seeing the news of Diana taking Cheetah away as we see she has a costume similar to Wonder Woman and the screen cuts with the words A wonder girl is born.
The Flash: Behold the Speedforce- Barry is stopping crime as he does but he accidentally time travels meeting Mr. Max Mercury another speedster who explains the speedforce and its power as they return to the present they fight and win against Trickster and Pied Piper.
Max would stay in the present and the post credit scene would involve Barry and Wally having fun in the lab until Wally is hit by lightning and the screen cuts to black with the words A Kid Flash is born
Aquaman Rising Tide- trouble is brewing in Atlantis, with Black Manta killing Atlanteans and Human(searching for his abducted son) this leads him to one of the other Kingdoms of Atlantis which he lays waste to and the oy survivor is a boy named Garth who wants revenge but ends up
joining Arthur as Tempest to take down Black Manta leading to Arthur/Garth/Mera trying to rebuild Garth's kingdom. Post credit- A young dark skinned black child washes on shore and then we cut to Garth training with Tula in Atlantis. Screen Cut to black- words Atlantis Rises.
Green Arrow and the Star City Defenders- Star City heroes Green Arrow, Red Arrow and Black Canary work together to take down The Dark Archer as Oliver and Dinah grow closer. Roy is kidnapped by The Dark Archer but he is freed by Green Arrow and The Black Canary
Together the trio almost defeat The Dark Archer but he escapes and delivers a vial of Roy's blood to cadmus in a container labelled project Arsenal. Post Credit Scene- Martian Manhunter recruits Oliver and Dinah to the league while Batman asks Roy to join another project.
Young Justice: Beginnings- Cadmus sends agents to capture a spaceship but Nightwing,Tempest,Red Arrow,Kid Flash and Wonder Girl arrive first greeting Miss Martian who senses the enemies leading to the team invading Cadmus,meeting and saving Superboy.
The team is greeted by The League and give them their hq at Mount Justice. Post Credit- a teenage girl picks up her bow and arrow, following after Green Arrow and Red Arrow. Post credit 2- Nightwing returns to Bludhaven and meets Batgirl.
Green Lanterns 2: The Red Rage
I assumed Jon and Hal would be introduced and Sinestro would become a Yellow Lantern (in GL 1). In this Attrocitus and the Red Lanterns would be introduced and face off against the Green Lanterns including Guy Gardner. Post Credit- Saint Walker
Phase 2- End. Young Justice is where the phase ends but the Green Lantern is thrown in afterwards to set up their long space epic of movies throughout the future phases.I have notes for Phase 3- magic, Phase 4- Villains
Phase 5-Titans and Phase 6-JSA. So @wbpictures hire me.
This was fun. Might do more idk.
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