What is a shot creating action ?

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Shot creating actions is my favorite basic stat, it helps to see who are the most involved players mixed with the ones who finds the last pass

Which is good so we can finally compare midfielders to attackers in this domain for example
Here is the StatsBomb definition :

SCA (shot creating action) :

“The two offensive actions directly leading to a shot, such as passes, dribbles and drawing fouls. Note: A single player can receive credit for multiple actions and the shot-taker can also receive credit.”
This is a great definition but apart from passes, dribbles and drawing fouls, shots themselves or defensive actions are also registered

It counts the last 2 action, so the final one (key pass, key dribble etc...) and the one before (pre key pass, pre key dribble etc...)
Here is an example of a shot creating pass

Pjanic finds Dybala on the wing who then finds Ronaldo who shoots.

Dybala made the key pass, Pjanic the pre key pass. Both have been credited a shot creating action
Here is an example of a shot creating dribble

Messi dribbled past a defender and then shot. Chances created for yourself also counts as Messi scored this goal out of nothing this is why he is credited with a shot creating action
Now this one is annoying to say... a shot creating shot

Basically here Sandro shot from long distance, the keeper saved it but Dybala managed to get the rebound.

Sandro had an impact as his shot allowed Dybala to have a clear chance. He got credited of a shot creating action
There are many others like shot creating fouls drawn or shot creating defensive actions but the 3 I showed were the main

To remind you, a shot creating action takes into account the last 2 actions before a shot, an action can be each of the example I mentioned
Conclusion :

Shot creating actions are a very good way to judge creativity overall and definitely the best raw stat you can find

You can even play with it to find the pre key pass or pre assists stats
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