folks with a virgo moon need regular, ritual cleanses to cull their environment of all the energetic lint they've picked up along the way. highly particular and attuned to any disturbances in the force (as it were), these folks are adept at organizing information & environments.
folks with a libra moon need everyone to get the fuck along so they can get back to work. the peacemakers and harmonizers among us, they keep the scales of everyday life balanced and bring beauty wherever they go. feeling connected is essential.
folks with a scorpio moon need to feel secure enough to get intensely vulnerable. the ultimate paradox (deeply private but also "fuck small talk, let's talk about the most transformative life experiences you've ever had"), these folks need space to process. without it... whew.
folks with a sagittarius moon: the perpetual restless, road tripping students of life. y'all need a steady diet of big ideas and as few fences as possible as you pursue the Truth you're looking for. a new hobby or book usually helps jumpstart things.
folks with a capricorn moon easily lose themselves in their work, finding projects comforting — but often at the body's expense. nourishing your body with the basics (sleep, diet, nutrition) and mindfulness goes a long way toward bringing everything into alignment.
folks with an aquarius moon love an intellectual challenge. learning is everything. the trick is to not intellectualize or dissociate through life. mindfulness practices and delving into subject matter that connects the mind to the heart encourages emotional security.
folks with a pisces moon: a ritual bath or shower is usually a good reset for you. spending time near water, if you can, helps. y'all absorb so much energy throughout the day, and finding ways to both set boundaries and let it all flow through you is the ticket.
this was a VERY off the cuff thread, but hope y'all enjoyed, and there's more where that came from over at my newsletter 
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