That's, ladies and gentlemen, is an example how, drop by drop, the history of WW2 is being rewritten.
Bad, bad Soviets blew beautiful Kiev centre.🤐
During the war.
Red Army lost 700 000 troops defending Kiev from Nazi onslaught, and half million more, re-taking it.
Kiev, laying on both banks of river Sniper, was an important strategic barrier on the way of advancing Nazi army. Blowing bridges, communications, government buildings, power grid, blocking main roads - all means were good if it meant delaying Germans by even a week.
Nowhere in the original "Soviet did it" tweet did author mention that blowing up that street was used by Nazis as an excuse for one of the worst massacres of Holocaust - Babi Year mass extermination of Jews "in retaliation" for blowing former Red Army HQ and other buildings.
One has to be either naive or malicious to pretend that this massacre wouldn't have happened if not for partisans blowing up buildings in the centre of city.
Dutch or French partisans weren't that famous for blowing up buildings.
Anyway, after the liberation from Nazis, the main street of Kiev was rebuilt in a grand style and remained one of the most beautiful sights, until modern followers of Nazi ideology occupied it once again.
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