Simply— the “market” is not capable of dealing with masses of retail investors because it’s secretly an organ of central planning— so when retail investors start coming online, it falls apart, until they’re gone, & the main firms can plan the economy again
We havent incorporated 2020 covid world into economic forecasts yet due to fiat copium production— but the more it becomes clear to everyone (already clear to major firms & holders) that there will be no “return to normal”— shit will hit the fan, globally.
Bezos stepping down from Amazon is because he’s working on dominating the new horizons of Green “New Deal” Agrobiz with Bill Gates et al. We’re going into a “post globalism” (crypto-globalism, as in, crypto digital currency globalism)— IMF will have digital currency launch 2021
CBDCs are coming online in the next year— China already did it— we’re all going to become serfs but will welcome this due to a totalitarian media apparatus patrolling for “insurrectionists” who point this out.
Some sort of limited UBI program will roll out as rationing— the boomer “wealth transfer” will be negated by the immense debts millennials are already under— you’ll sell your grandmother’s house at rock bottom price so you can rent a co-living space by the vertical soy farm.
It’s no coincidence that all of this is lining up with when the “boomer wealth transfer” has been forecasted— all of that capital in too many *angry* hands is a recipe for instability (imagine WSB dudes putting grandpa’s portfolio to work)— it’s all getting recaptured.
The housing bubble will burst, which will allow some millennials to buy land in the new “bespoke” suburbs while rust belters will be renting apartments in reconverted strip malls. Shock doctrine incoming.
Cottage core digital influencers teaching proles how to make sourdough starters with their soy flour rations— digital certification schools for in-demand trades tuition free with wage garnishing from the Gates/Bezos General Education Board—
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