I'm going to share a cautionary tale with you. When Dr Fauci said either wear an N95 mask or double your masks when you wear them, do it. Because even when you think it'll be ok to just wear the one lightweight mask when you're around someone for 10-15 minutes, you're not safe.
I've been so safe, you guys. SO. SAFE. This past year, I've had to have a plumber in my house and an electrician. We all kept our distance and wore N95 masks and we were ok. Two weeks ago, someone I knew stopped by to pick up stuff I was donating. She is SO careful as well. BUT..
She had to get an emergency root canal a couple of days prior to coming to my house. I'm an idiot and grabbed the blue medical mask (she wore same thing) and we briefly passed each other in my doorway carrying stuff to her car. Next day she wasn't feeling well, tested positive.
About 4 days later I started feeling run down. Next day, bad headache, then painful lymph nodes in my neck, pressure up high in my chest, body aches, low fever. So I got tested, so did Wil. Difference is Wil wore an N95 mask when she was here and was like 15 feet away from her.
Wil has now tested negative 3 times. He has no symptoms and has been living on the other side of the house away from me, but wears an N95 mask if he has to go in the kitchen or bring things to the door for me. He will get tested multiple times again this week while we quarantine.
Covid can hit either respiratory system or GI tract, which I didn't know. Saturday night I had to go to the ER for anti-nausea meds and fluids because it was so bad. My o2 levels are 100% but they monitored my heart to be sure electrolytes weren't too off. I was a mess but ok now
I am so, so lucky I don't have any respiratory issues from this. I haven't lost my sense of smell or taste either. Friends, please PLEASE take this virus seriously. I can't believe I made it 11 months and then did one careless little mistake and ended up so sick. đź’•
One last thing. Years ago, I woke up to my dog Seamus standing over me with his face in mine, and I realized I felt like crap and it turned out I had swine flu. Last week, Marlowe did the same thing to me and then I found out I had Covid. Dogs are truly magical creatures. đź’•
My guess on people who don't follow me but are showing up to say I'm lying or saying masks don't work don't understand the virus. If you wear a loose fitting mask, you can spread germs through the air which can be picked up by another loose mask wearer or get into your eyes.
If you're calling a person who has a potentially deadly virus pathetic, a liar, and an idiot, you have huge problems and I highly recommend you seek some professional help. I have no reason to lie. I'm merely sharing my experience to help others. Don't like it? Don't read it.đź–•
Hey, friends. I really appreciate those of you who've been asking how I'm doing. Instead of responding individually, I thought it would be easiest to just write it out once. I'm feeling better but far from over this thing. I'll update as things progress. đź’•
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