Let's be clear: It's great the UK is starting to take 🇨🇳 talent recruitment efforts seriously. Policymakers have long ignored China's efforts to poach foreign science & tech professionals. Those efforts carry real national security risks. Read more here: https://www.amazon.com/Chinas-Quest-Foreign-Technology-Espionage/dp/0367473593
But looking at the numbers, we should be very skeptical of the @thetimes reporting (200 academics working on military research).

It seems *highly unlikely* that every one of these academics was involved in WMD-related projects.
Thousand Talents is by far the largest formal Chinese talent recruitment plan, and the Youth branch (<40 y/o) is its largest segment, comprising 1/3 of awardees.

Our data offers a pretty good baseline for assessing 🇨🇳 talent recruitment, but I concede it is not exhaustive.
In our report, @jacob_feldgoise & I found ~8% of youth Thousand Talents awardees were offered jobs at military-relevant institutions in China, and just 36 at the China Academy of Engineering Physics, China's nuclear weapons lab. Few (5%) were from the UK. So 200 seems very high.
But the national security risks from China's talent recruitment efforts do not necessarily emanate from military research. Economically *valuable* info—and the market share it confers—is central to national security. Govs should aim to protect it, even w/o military apps.
We need to accept that garden-variety Chinese talent recruitment is not "sexy" & isn't about military secrets, or even IP theft/fraud. It's more often related to e.g. vacuum cleaners, not missile seekers. That still carries appreciable risks. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/09/17/china-thousand-talents-plan-invest-us-xenophobia/
And most important, the *methods* by which recruitment occurs often violate global norms and standards around R&D. That's what govs should really be trying to address—even if, as is likely, The Times' reported number of WMD researchers ends up being far off base.
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