So I'm trying to get my head around this apparent Damascene conversion @Daily_Express that has UK green groups beside themselves with joy... 🧵1/n

@GeorgeMonbiot @JKSteinberger @jasonhickel @samjknights
On face value this is a clear sign of progress, yet another part of UK print news media rejecting climate denial for climate action, but is this 'rehabilitation' really something to celebrate? 2/n
As @AlexSteffen has argued climate denial is facet of "predatory delay" by vested interests designed to undermine climate action. It was never intended to entirely halt climate action, but to slow it for as long as possible. 3/n
As certain denial arguments become untenable those pursuing "predatory delay" switch tack and instead adopt new arguments still aimed at slowing action. 4/n
The recent @GM announcement is a case in point; after years of denying change was possible, GM shifts its position to say a certain type of change is now possible. This was always the play, but they get praised for it. 5/n
So having fought for years against climate action the @Daily_Express can now switch tack and rehabilitate itself as supporting a limited type of climate action compatible with business as usual - and everyone cheers! 6/n
But the nature of the action supported by the @Daily_Express (and by implication the green groups who have endorsed it) is nowhere near what is required to address the climate crisis and ensure climate justice. 8/n
Just how far this is from what is required is glaringly obvious when compared to the case laid out by @JefimVogel in this excellent thread... 10/n
Indeed as @Chris_Saltmarsh points out the @Daily_Express campaign (fawningly endorsed by @Natures_Voice, @WildlifeTrusts, @wwf_uk & @GreenpeaceUK) is actually for a tax cut! 11/n
So far from enabling a just response for radical climate action necessary we find "predatory delay" in yet another guise backed this time by the UK's largest environmental NGOs. 12/n
We have the simulacrum of climate action but actually once again it is the status quo green-washing itself and damning future generations and those on the front lines of the climate crisis. 13/n
It's great that relentless movement pressure has meant that
@Daily_Express feel they have to do this, but lets not lose sight of the scale of the crisis we face and that we must continue to amp up the pressure by building movements that fight like hell for climate justice 14/14
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