In the last few months we've had many exciting developments at Felix! Check out the thread below to learn more about #Phage #ClinicalTrials, to take a look at our research & #scicomm efforts, and to meet new members of the Felix Team. (1/6)
First up, in January we announced "CYPHY," a Phase 1/2 investigator-initiated single center trial @Yale for targeted #phagetherapy using our lead asset, YPT-01, in the treatment of chronic P. aeruginosa infections in #cysticfibrosis. (2/6)
And last, but far from least, we've expanded our team! You can learn a little more about our new Head of Science, @Dr_Quest12 below and we'll introduce you to more members of the team in the weeks ahead. #Biotechnology #Career #Biotech (6/6)
You can follow @felixbiotech.
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