Today's reading: Science and Statistics, George Box 1976
here's some bangers from it! first, some quotes about how the point of all this effort is supposed to be learning useful things
second, some musings on RA Fisher, I didn't know he turned down a job with Pearson and was also a failson until he was 29. rock on dude.
I am really not a fan of Fisher but - due to the widespread cultural practice of presenting ourselves as successful upstanding people - i am surprised how often people who make huge changes to fields are kind of weirdo losers. heartening for all of us on here, i would think.
finally, what happens when we DON'T have a proper feedback loop between theory and practice? Half the people do cookbook stuff, the other half mathematistry.
Sounds pretty familiar, right? Yep, we in economics are in this situation right now, perhaps worse than ever. But at least it gives your friendly neighbourhood applied econometrician a reason to get up in the morning.
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