Not a surprise, but Alabama has yet to reckon with what it's losing soon. Nearly everything in this state depends on federal $$$. Shelby could bring it home like few others before him and probably none after. Not Tuberville and certainly not Mo Brooks.
The fundamental problem of Alabama politics (and increasingly American politics) is that it's difficult to achieve name recognition and popularity by doing the hard work. We are stuck in a feedback loop that rewards foolishness, so fools are what we get.
Whatever you think of Richard Shelby, he didn't spend the last several years making an ass out of himself on TV. Instead, he backed away from extremists, and openly opposed Roy Moore. All while he promoted Alabama over other states for federal projects and funding.
There are plenty of people in Alabama who, if given the chance, could do the hard work, but there might not be away for them to get around the Mo Brooks' of the state, who'd rather stoke fear and spread disinformation and ignorance.
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