If Kraven isn't in Spider-Man 3, we know who to blame. Sony has been single-handedly abusing Spider-Man and all of his characters in live action for well over a decade. Some directors, writers, and producers have thankfully managed to do great things with Spidey despite Sony
But we also have plenty of bloated and soulless cashgrabs thanks to Sony's greed and incompetence. They can't be allowed to continue for any longer. This isn't just about Spidey. It's also about the multitude of amazing supporting characters and villains who all deserve better
Remember when Sony had plans for a Mysterio solo movie? He almost wasn't in Far From Home because of that. Thankfully Feige or someone at Marvel Studios convinced them that Mysterio was better suited to be the villain of FFH than the star of his own film. But that's the problem
Sony has the final say on which Spider-Man characters Marvel Studios get to use in their movies. And that's very concerning, considering the fact that Sony has proven time and time again that they prefer the quantity of movies and money they make over the quality of said movies
Jon Watts said in an interview right after FFH released that he would love for Kraven to be the main villain of SM3, and if it was completely up to him, that would be the case. Kraven is literally perfect for the story that FFH's ending set up. Watts knows that. Feige knows that
Anyone with a brain knows that Kraven is the next logical choice. But what about Sony? They clearly think that a Kraven solo movie will be profitable. And they aren't entirely wrong. It's certainly a much better idea than the canceled Mysterio movie or even the upcoming Morbius
But if Sony thinks that having Kraven in SM3 will somehow interfere with their solo movie plans, they won't agree to put him in. It's that simple. I'm hoping that they were able to see reason and come to an agreement just like what happened with Mysterio, but I have my doubts
If Sony was smart they'd agree to tie their Kraven movie into the MCU and have it set after Kraven is defeated in SM3. There's already been talk that the film might at least loosely adapt Kraven's Last Hunt. You need Spider-Man to tell that story
And you also need Kraven and Spidey to have a history. Not only is this an opportunity for Sony to fully connect one of their Marvel movies to the MCU with Tom Holland's Spidey in a lead role, but this could also be an incredible film. And it would definitely make a lot of money
That's why I'm still holding on to the hope that Kraven will be the main villain of Spider-Man 3 before starring in his own MCU solo movie. It makes the most sense on a financial and storytelling basis for both Disney and Sony
But even then, I'm afraid that Sony is blinded by greed, stubbornness, or just flat out stupidity. We have no reason to trust them to make the right decision. Hopefully the rights revert back to Marvel before the damage is irreversible
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