I see George Conway is tweeting "Where is Hunter", as the GQP obvious tactics to "Her emails" and "Benghazi" President Biden for the next four years. I think about my younger sister, who has battled drug addiction since she was a teenager. She was 12 when our mom died & w/out
counseling or an engaged father who was deep into his own addictions, she turned to drinking, then all the hardcore drugs which led to all the things young girls & women go through when drugs run their lives. Her w/our aunt Kathy. She would turn to me for
when she was in trouble, or in jail, or needed food or clothes. But those times were spaced out years because time doesn't stop. She went from a vivacious beautiful girl to a drug addicted teen, to in-out of jail in her 20's & 30's. Time continued to move until more than 30 years
had passed & I got a call from a county hospital that a "Jane Doe" was there and they had information I was related. So, I left work to visit "Jane Doe" and see my baby sister who at the time I had not seen in 8 years. She was alive, barely, having gotten a bacterial infection
from dirty needles, & the infection had gone from her foot, to her arm, and was heading to her organs. She was dropped off at hospital lobby, on the floor, and left there by who knows who. They operated to save her life, w/out her consent it was so bad. She survived, as did her
foot/arm. I won't show those pictures. She awoke to see me. She was, in the moment, herself. She stayed there 3 months recovering, getting her needed care for her whole body. She was assigned a social worker who got her on methadone, & helped me work through her warrants & such.
I showed pictures of her niece, little teenlet, whom my sister had never met. We cried & talked of how much our mom would have loved her. And laughed at how much our mom loved her, my sis, & how jealous I was. She moved in w/our uncle in Stockton, & we found an apartment for her,
& the family all made pilgrimages to her to show love/support/no judgement. She got a dog & cat, & I got her a phone and computer - she had never heard of Facebook, & so many other things. She was gone for 30 years after all. I helped her get a car, and moved her to an apartment
closer to the clinic where she could get her daily methadone - a tiny drink every day that satisfied her cravings. She was now in her 40's, posting too often on Facebook (my most liked photo that year was my gorgeous little sis) & even w/ 30 years w/drugs & she flexed like this:
Hunter went through trauma losing his mother at a young age. The addiction crisis of opioids & harder drugs that impact all families/politcal parties, are deadly serious but that's not stopping them from trashing Hunter & further traumatizing President Biden, as their
constituents cheer. Drugs are no joke and shouldn't be made lite of w/anyone, much less the families of those afflicted. After five wonderful years, my sister's "boyfriend" was released from prison & I have not seen nor heard from her in over 2 years. I don't know if I ever will.
She turns 50 later this year & I can only hope that she is safe. It is the same hope I and my family had for those missing 30 years.
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