Since there were some Zoom malfunctions at the beginning of our #AAASmtg session, I wanted to share some of the Elect Scientist slides in a thread.

Also, a huge thanks to panelists @JasmineForHD108 @ValerieJHorsley @VoteShaughnessy for their time and insights!
We're seeing more and more scientists in Congress, some of which are highlighted below including my (brand-new) Senator @AlexPadilla4CA! But there are over 500,000 elected positions at the state and local level that don't always get as much attention.
If you're thinking about running for office, you can do it! There are TONS of organizations out there to help first-time candidates at every level. @314action is a great resource for STEM professionals. 
And if you want to get more involved, but aren't sure you're ready to run, volunteer on a campaign! Or check out other #AAASmtg advocacy track workshops to learn about policy fellowships, @scipolnetwork activities, and other opportunities!
You can follow @sarahsmaga.
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