@DanaGoldstein writes a fair article here (I don't want to be critical), but it's missing some of the effects of the unchecked fear that unions allowed to grow over the last 6 months, and now has absurd consequences. Take my city of Davis, CA for example:
1/10 https://twitter.com/DanaGoldstein/status/1358775495966425088
A University town. Nationally lauded in the NYT for offering free tests, 2x week to every resident and worker. Community spread is low, and we are well under the case rate CA says we can safely return K-6 (<25 cases/100k; county at 18.8)
2/10 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/30/us/college-coronavirus-california.html
District has fitted MERV filters in every building. 2 air purifiers per classroom. Distancing is possible, classes set-up for it. Tracing, notification, & quarantine protocols established. Cal/OSHA Covid protocols in-place.
Crucially, they are establishing testing on every campus (8 of 15 complete - rest to be complete soon). Remember - city already offers free tests to every resident and worker 2x week.
Our board instead invents their own metrics, requiring case rate 3.5x more restrictive than the state (CA says <25, board says <7 for 2 weeks). Also require vaccinations, both doses + 2 wks for effect, for all staff. Just to begin a HYBRID model....
They then claim that these metrics are "beyond the district's control". Despite having voted on them, and despite clear counter-guidance from the State & recommendation from County Public Health.
The local union president then says her members don't feel safe going back at those levels. Even AFTER vaccination.

In a University town that values science, where our public schools were the crown jewel...
...everyone who can afford it is putting their kids in the private schools (open since Sept). Many have moved, never to return.

Pub schools now unlikely before fall because the union couldn't step in sooner to control the rampant fear mongering of its members.
Our beloved school system may not recover. If it doesn't, it met its end at the hands of its own board, who bowed to union pressure, and the union itself. Tragedy.
Davis could, and should, be leading the way on getting our schools open. We’re rightfully being lauded for efforts like this, and our science superpower...while they ignore our closed schools. https://twitter.com/nbcnewstech/status/1358831591427100673
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