Modern architecture has gotten a bad reputation in many traditional circles. However, not all that is modern is bad.
In this video, Frank ( ) and I will show the difference between modern and modernist architecture, as well as the value of having a unique character.
Listen to the full podcast here:
Ugliness of Modernist Architecture
I think that there's also a distinction kind of like you mentioned between something that's modern and something that's postmodern or modernist. The modernist architecture just has to have a brutal feel to it.
Not all Modern Architecture is Modernist
But there are new things that would be considered modern that are built more traditionally, or at least building on tradition in a new way that you can you can still innovate. All these old buildings were at one point innovative as well.
Architects could do modern things and can slice and dice and do cool things.
Local Character of Traditional Architecture
Because people in our modern world are so specialized, and they're all kind of in their own little worlds and their own little silos, the architecture brings this community together. It creates the sense of community. It's almost like city on a hill.
It's like this idealized version of what the world could be.
When I visited Indiana University, they had all of these beautiful brick buildings everywhere you went. It was a very cohesive thing. There were some that were newer buildings that obviously stood out and you could tell.
But, when you went to the older part of the campus, they were just all red brick buildings that had a uniform, traditional look. Because they were built 200 years ago, they were built in that style.
I think that there's something that you can appreciate about that architecture in the history that comes with it, absolutely.
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