Do term limits increase political polarization & reduce effectiveness? For 25+ yrs ideological & opportunistic divides worsened. McConnell reelected to 3rd Senate term, Graham 4th! Dems too. Reinstate modified term limits. Improve equitable accountability.
Citizens United must be overturned. Implement campaign financing reforms, expand size of SCOTUS, include lifetime term limits (20?) & all federal bench (10-15 yrs?), reinstate ABA assessment consideration & minimum qualifications.
POTUS, Senate & House candidates must qualify for security clearances prior to election. Same w key WH staff.

Different ideologies are needed for a healthy democracy. But compromised, felonious, conspiracy theorists & proponents of political assassinations are disqualifiers.
Psych eval summaries of fitness for office should be released by expert impartial panels. Need mandatory release of 5 yrs complete tax returns (whether being audited or not).

The people can choose to elect sociopaths, bigots, lobbyists & criminals.

First we've a right to know.
Unfortunately, a profit driven "free press" in our polarized environment can't best mass communicate comprehensive factual candidate profiles & questioning until it's too late. A democracy can't flourish if voters are un- or misinformed.
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