Kinda hate to do old/young transitioner discourse because of the absolutely toxic echoes of Blanchard's typology and Benjamin's Type I, Type II typology, but I do think there's a marked sociological difference that happens and it's annoying as fuck.
Specifically folks who transition old seem to frequently have a habit of being more likely to be mean about young transitioners, invested in conservatism holding more social stability and accrued income. They're unlikely to have been homeless as trans youngsters or to care.
There are so many of them who will also attempt to do a "respect your elders" thing around young transitioners who may have been navigating trans life for far longer, and with greater challenges in many respects, and be hostile to the idea of youth transition generally.
I think the sheer facts of *life* in a compulsory cishet society have historically meant that for the most part most people tend to transition under 25 or over 40. It's not true of everyone but there's an excluded middle where those who could survive into their 20s will wait....
... through careers and families and such to stabilise and just carry on because they've gotten that far why stop now. Then some other life crisis happens or they reach enough stability not to worry about risks of transition and their egg cracks, but it's a very different...
...set of social experiences to being immediately and critically unable not to come out in your teens or early in some safe environment like university where you don't have the capital(social or otherwise) and either your parents look after you through it or you are in shit.
Anyway, I really look forward to a time when trans people come out and transition not because they are undergoing a dysphoria related crisis (whether teenage or mid life) but because it's right for them. I suspect we'd see a more balanced spread and there wouldn't be this huge... between privileged "your elders know best" arseholes busily trying to maintain their status in cisiety by throwing kids under a bus and young and desperate transitioners with nothing to lose.
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