TN stands recommends following the science.

What science, you say?

Well, the science that had been established for decades before it was hijacked by politicians.

Exhibit 1) Dr William Shaffner, professor of preventative medicine at Vanderbilt- A highly respected expert. He was interview in this article on January 30, 2020.
"A surgical mask might provide some protection, but it's going to be very modest,"

Author- "No definitive studies exist that prove masks prevent infections. Also, masks are designed for different purposes, and only some guard against infectious diseases."

"The cloth masks used commonly in China may not be protective. We did a trial of these, compared to disposable masks, and wearers had a higher risk of infection."
- Dr. Raina MacIntyre

"Schaffner noted that this coronavirus spreads the way flu does, yet the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention doesn't recommend face masks as a way to avoid flu."

"The reason is that CDC requires scientific evidence to show that any intervention they recommend is likely to have value. It turns out that evidence for using masks in the community is scanty at best," he said.

"Then there are surgical masks. These are designed to keep fluids or germs from the doctor from contaminating the sterile field in the operating room. But viruses can still pass through it to the wearer, Schaffner said."

"When doctors are treating patients who have a communicable disease, they wear a type of mask called an N95 respirator. Because this mask is sealed around the mouth and nose, it will block a virus.

But using it requires special training, and it makes breathing harder and is uncomfortable to wear, Schaffner said.

"So what can you do to guard against the coronavirus? Schaffner said the best precaution to follow is the same as protecting yourself from the flu, namely, avoid being around people who are sick, and wash your hands often."

End Quotes.

Interesting to note that this web link was removed recently. Wonder why? This is why we used the archived version.

Recently Shaffner was interviewed by NPR. Since these medical tyrants have become so comfortable inserting themselves into every aspect of our lives, the emboldened expert is now at ease in nannying us, even after vaccinations.

"Many people are seeing this as the door opening out of the locked room," says Schaffner. "If only we can get vaccinated, we will be free. It's not that easy."

Well well well, we thought the vaccine was the end!

Not if Shaffner and Vanderbilt have anything to do with it!

Do not think your are EVER "safe" until WE say that your safe!

Do not think you can escape this dystopian hell that we have created for you until WE are happy with OUR results.

Notice the goalpost moving here? It's not enough to prevent severe disease and mortality.

Make no mistake, this is CovidZero policy by another name. They believe they can "conquer" a virus. They will not stop. They will do whatever we let them do.

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