My plan

I will keep buying physical silver, from here in a new way

My physical stack is set : it’s at a level I am comfortable😉
If you don’t own physical, you should act before it runs away.

My next step is preparing for a liquid physical stack. imo there is no downside

been thinking deeply for months about R. Pretcher’s book: Conquer the Crash

As shared a long time before I had one takeaway from this book.

the importance of having a store for daily spending I trust during ‘stormy’ times

Been researching for months into bullion based saving and spending.

Looked at a LOT of different systems.

Most are expensive to convert and store, lack features and lack strong software.

Expensive equals a lack of velocity.

imo the main feature to become a standard

Daily spending/saving account will now be a Kinesis with allocated gold and silver, where I can swap between Euros, fiat, to spent it, without meaningfull costs.

costs here

accepts #BTC , and crypto pairs
All system for all generations combined in 1

i will LIVE the SILVER way

Exchange a bit to my corresponding debit card (takes 3 seconds), and spent up to 10K in one charge (or a lot less off course).

Send Silver and Gold to any friend. Love it.

That’s the way I want to think about spending, saving and living.

Kinesis is linked to the #BTC for those who want to derisk profits into metals and back and forth.

that is THE key.

What I love is they apply Greshams law by a yield system, where fee’s flow back.

Spent a lot of research to understand deeply this company’s income model

I transferred 25.000 euro’s into Kinesis.
my first transfer to Brisbane Australia ever.

will try it out , and start spending & living Gold Silver the coming year

My aim is by holding physical ‘liquid’ silver I can stretch this into a very long time of spending my daily life using silver instead of €

The intro video is long but worth the watch

If you are tempted to join me, please use my referral code

I have a vision this is a transition towards the future (if not the future, time will tell us).

if you respect my efforts and are interested to convert your way of living, use the code below

i have spended hundreds of hours on this topic now, just like i did on my junior miners selection.

will keep you posted if i like or dislike it further down the road.

off course it's a flat referral system. did a lot of DD on that as well 🤣

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