I don't want to hear any dem say "no one else can win in Pennsylvania except a man who racially profiled a Black jogger and pointed a shotgun at his chest for no reason while the mayor with no charges."

We don't elect white men who disregard the rights of Black people. PERIOD.
(And besides, anyone saying that just fucking lacks imagination. I was born and raised in PA and virtually all of my entire immediate family still lives there. PA can do better, and will if I have anything to say about it.)
Also, let me add: white people looking for a reason to excuse this will contort themselves to find it.

I will not be one of them.
We must fucking do better.

We must.

There is NO REASON, let alone at this moment in history, for Pennsylvania to decide, eh, let it go, let's settle for less than.

There are phenomenally better candidates, and I hope they run. Talking smack on TV doesn't excuse this. Period.
Some of you all just like a tough guy.

Witty commentary doesn't excuse anti-Black violence.

No excuses. Do better. Pennsylvania deserves it.
And I'm going to add: at one point last year, I gave some thought to Fetterman's candidacy.

I didn't know about this incident at the time.

You don't do something like this in a vacuum.

Pulling a gun on a random Black citizen while the mayor of the town takes a mindset.
It's not ok. It will never be ok.
OK, last tweet on this for today.

"Whisper campaigns" is the excuse. He did this. He's on tape admitting it.

Accountability. Period.
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