The idea that a white woman is automatically believed when she reports a rape is ludicrous. Women of all races aren’t believed and it doesn’t seem to matter whether their attacker is white, black, Asian, an asylum seeker or whatever other description. Also, men of all races 1/
and all ages commit rape and sexual assault. The idea that some of them are ‘victims’ of women’s ‘white tears’ is offensive. False reports are very rare and women have a very low chance of getting a conviction. They are forced to go through a traumatic legal process to even 2/
try to get some justice and most don’t. If I were raped, I don’t think I’d report it because I’d find it so intimidating to go through it all to end up with nothing. I’d be told I asked for it, that I was lying to spite the man. Authorities most definitely aren’t on 3/
women’s side, white or otherwise. Men joke and brag about raping women. If a woman accuses a man, many accuse her of making it up. They know they can get away with it. Some women are brave and speak out to try to stop others from suffering the same fate. Rape can have 4/
an incredibly profound disempowering effect on someone and destroy their lives and relationships. Some women are left with horrific injuries and trauma. The idea that this can be described as ‘weaponising fragility’ or ‘white trauma’ is so disgusting. When you’re 5/
talking about rape laws and find yourself criticising the VICTIM, you need to give your head a shake. Oh and I don’t give a fuck if a man from a marginalised group is punished or deported if it’s proved he raped someone. Anyone who does is no friend of women. 6/6
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