Funny that the Pop Left rehabilitated Chris Heges whose been cancelled by the street left no less than 30 times in the past 10 years. Anarchists know him as the guy who compared black blocs to terrorism. This was Feb 2012
Then he was cancelled again in 2014 for plagiarism
Then he got a show on RT in 2016. Strange cuz dude cut his teeth in Sarajevo & kept comparing Trump to Milosevic (again, "tankie" is not accurate to fescribe what goes on their...more like querfront)
Weeks after Charlottesville, he did the "Cancer" thing again this time with antifa (which tbh was the trump era update of the BLACK BLOC! boogeyman)
October 2018:

You know that Jimmy Dore clip about how the left & right should unite against corporatism folks always cite? That interview was with Chris
I see a pattern, how about you? What extent is it having OG shitty views & what extent is it getting querfront-pilled? Idk probably a bit a both, the echo chambers don't help
Anyway here's a response to Hedges "Cancer in Occupy" article by the late David Graeber. Dude called this guy's trajectory years ago
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